Kichijoji Walkers Renka parts (ENGSUB)

Kichijoji Walkers is a program wherein Iwamoto Renka and Tashima Meru (HKT48) is tasked to introduce places in Kichijoji, also because both of them were in a drama called Kichijoji Losers but these are only the parts of Renka, EP 2 was subbed by another subber named Lyun. Enjoy~

EP2: YT Link

EP4: GD Link

EP8: GD Link

EP10: GD Link

EP12: GD Link

Timing and Typesetting:FangMoe

ps. If there's any mistranslations, so sorry about that

It is forbidden to share the GD links directly, rather share the blog link instead to show appreciation to the subber 😊
